Oct 29, 2007

Ravelry, gloves and dances... Oh My!

I made my own swift today...
Got my Ravelry invite two days ago...
Finished my gloves last week...
And got a dress for the sock-hop I'm going to.

Yikes, I've been busy... o_O

My name on ravelry is:

Talk to you later!

Oct 17, 2007


I have to take the PSAT today. For some of you out there that may not be a problem, but I have never taken a test in classroom before in my life. So I have every reason to freak out!

Other news...
I'm about half-way through on my 2nd glove... I should have it finished by the 22nd.

See Ya!

Oct 13, 2007


I signed up for Raverly about a month ago... Look at how far in the list I am.

Found you!
You signed up on September 22, 2007
You are #34988 on the list.
7204 people are ahead of you in line.
8420 people are behind you in line.
59% of the list has been invited so far.

59%! 59%... That's more than half!

Ahh... I'm so tired and sore right now.
I went rock climbing for the first time ever yesterday!
Well... It wasn't really my first time, but I prefer not to remember the real first time. -shudder-

I did three top rope courses and a bouldering course. While I was pushing my muscles to their limit, I found out something really important about myself... When I get overly exert myself, my palms sweat like there is a faucet attached to them! It's so scary...

Oh well... Got to go!

Oct 7, 2007


I was so busy on Staurday that I didn't have time to post have...

Got to go!

Oct 2, 2007


I finished my first glove! I really liked how it turned out and its so simple too.
I'll be posting a free pattern and pictures on Saturday.

I feel so guilty right now... I haven't worked on my sisters scarf in forever. Oops!
But I know that I will finish it by Christmas... I... will... CONQUER!!

See You Next Week!

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