Oct 29, 2007

Ravelry, gloves and dances... Oh My!

I made my own swift today...
Got my Ravelry invite two days ago...
Finished my gloves last week...
And got a dress for the sock-hop I'm going to.

Yikes, I've been busy... o_O

My name on ravelry is:

Talk to you later!

Oct 17, 2007


I have to take the PSAT today. For some of you out there that may not be a problem, but I have never taken a test in classroom before in my life. So I have every reason to freak out!

Other news...
I'm about half-way through on my 2nd glove... I should have it finished by the 22nd.

See Ya!

Oct 13, 2007


I signed up for Raverly about a month ago... Look at how far in the list I am.

Found you!
You signed up on September 22, 2007
You are #34988 on the list.
7204 people are ahead of you in line.
8420 people are behind you in line.
59% of the list has been invited so far.

59%! 59%... That's more than half!

Ahh... I'm so tired and sore right now.
I went rock climbing for the first time ever yesterday!
Well... It wasn't really my first time, but I prefer not to remember the real first time. -shudder-

I did three top rope courses and a bouldering course. While I was pushing my muscles to their limit, I found out something really important about myself... When I get overly exert myself, my palms sweat like there is a faucet attached to them! It's so scary...

Oh well... Got to go!

Oct 7, 2007


I was so busy on Staurday that I didn't have time to post have...

Got to go!

Oct 2, 2007


I finished my first glove! I really liked how it turned out and its so simple too.
I'll be posting a free pattern and pictures on Saturday.

I feel so guilty right now... I haven't worked on my sisters scarf in forever. Oops!
But I know that I will finish it by Christmas... I... will... CONQUER!!

See You Next Week!

Sep 25, 2007


It rained all day on Saturday. I do not like the rain. It makes me chilly and grumpy.

But the rain gave me a great opportunity for knitting!
I finished the thumb gusset and have started on the pinkie.
The gloves aren't even the same pattern anymore! Because of all the changes I have made to the pattern in the first place, in just kinda morphed into this experiment of sorts... a soft, and lovey experiment at that...

I'm making them finger-less gloves. That's right finger-less! The only things that are the same are the cables and the needle size. And now I'm thinking of putting buttons on the wrist for decoration. -gasp!-

Another thing that is yuck... School pictures.
You're just sitting there trying not to look stupid at the camera, while at the same time trying not to watch the hordes of kids running around you like locust. I hate pictures. So I should have a new profile pic soon!

And now for Christmas present ideas:

*For my littlest sister, a fuzzy hat. She practically stole the hat that I made for my boyfriend.
*For my little sister, the mindless chevron scarf. That thing is so easy to knit that it becomes boring after the first five rows. I don't know if I'll finish it on time.
*For Mom and Dad, the project that is still floating through my mind. I have no clue what I'm going to give them. So we'll just see what happens.

That's all for now!

Sep 22, 2007

Ahh... Staurdays

Don't you just love Saturdays?

I've gotten really far on the first "Bon Voyage" glove. Click here for the pattern.
The vintage pattern is knit on two needles, but I'm knitting it on dpn's... so this is turning into a great learning experience for me.

I love working with Alpaca! It's not quite as soft as merino, but it's extremely warm.
I got my yarn from this great site called alpaca nation. It's this site where alpaca owners all over the country list their products... From Un-carded fiber to hand-dyed yarn. Even actual alpacas!

Okay... advertisement over.

I'm open to suggestions about what I should make next. I was thinking long, fingerless gloves with self-striping white and black yarn, but I don't know.

Oh well...
I'll have more photos next week of how far I'm progressing on the scarf and gloves.

See ya!
-- TK

Sep 19, 2007

Promised Photos

Here is the ball of Alpaca yarn that I'm soo proud of...


Here is glove number one in progress...


Here is some detail of the hat that I made my boyfriend...


Here is the hat... I apologize for the horrible washed-out look of the photos. I took them in the morning without proper lighting.


And here is the chevron scarf... Opps! I got the wrong side!


That's all for today Folks! See you next time...


Sep 18, 2007

Wow... My first blog ever!

Hey Everyone!

This is TK! I am 16 years old and I live in Southern California. I am blogging about my experiences and journey in the knitting world.

Some history of how I first starting knitting:
I learned about 4 years ago but I was never really interested... -gasp!- So I would go through these random knitting phases about once a year... On again, off again. But now, I think it has finally stuck.

I'll try to blog on Saturdays (or even other days of the week, depending on how much time I have) and I'll post my FO's, my WIP's and my ideas. And maybe anything interesting that happened in my life. You'll just wait and see...

Currently, I have finished my first hat... But regretfully I didn't get pictures of it in progress. I'll have finished pics this Saturday. The hat is made out of 100% Alpaca. It also was my first go at cabling AND intarsia! I think it turned out really great, even though the paw is a little wonky.

In my WIP list, I'm working on a chevron scarf for my younger sister and a pair of vintage gloves for me! The chevron scarf is made out of this ladder style acrylic yarn... Normally I would never use acrylic yarn, but it's for my sister. The gloves of being made out of a 2 ply/ 100% Alpaca that I hand dyed myself. This will be my first project on circular needles... size #1! (Or 2.25 mm) AHH!!! Amazing so far, I'm really enjoying it. But we will see what happens when I get to glove number 2.

It's time for me to go now... Post on Saturday!
-- TK

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